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서류 올리적재

오늘의 그림

NASA engineer Ernie Wright looks on as the first six flight ready James Webb Space Telescope's primary mirror segments are prepped to begin final cryogenic testing at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center

+/− (ko-kp), +/− (en)

오늘의 매체
A video explaining the basic concept of 'continuous sidewalks' that are used extensively in countries like the Netherlands and Denmark, being safer and more consistent with sustainable transport goals.

+/− (ko-kp), +/− (en)

Picture of the Year Winner
A RhB Ge 4/4 II with a push–pull train crosses the Wiesen Viaduct between Wiesen and Filisur, Switzerland.
A RhB Ge 4/4 II with a push–pull train crosses the Wiesen Viaduct between Wiesen and Filisur, Switzerland.


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